Supplements for Healthy Kids

As a naturopath and wholistic nutritionist, with over 20 years experience, what supplements do I give my own kids?

Do kids really need supplements? As a wholistic nutritionist and naturopath with over 20 years experience, I choose to give my healthy kids supplements for several important reasons.  By far the most important one is that in younger children, just like in early pregnancy, growth and development doesn't stop and wait if there is a shortage of a particular nutrient resource - it carries on [imperfectly] in spite of the deficiency and the impact may not be noticed until they're older.

Two Healthy Habits for a Stress-Less Life

These two simple habits will help you create a healthier mind, a healthier body and a happier you.  They’re free, they’re quick and they’re easy to implement into your current lifestyle. With the year already well underway have your resolutions already fallen by the wayside?  Resolutions can be a good way to productively break bad … Continue reading Two Healthy Habits for a Stress-Less Life

Easy Organic Chicken Broth

Home made organic chicken broth is rich in gelatine.

Talking about chicken broth feels extremely cliched. Dropping organic chicken broth into any conversation instantly gives you a touch of culinary and health cred (and probably a few eye rolls). Broth is everywhere. Broth is big. When you find freeze dried broth in the supermarket you know that it’s moved mainstream. And with good reason. Broth is going places.

Iron Deficiency

Iron Deficiency: Spot the signs and symptoms

One in four Australian women and one in six Aussie men are iron deficient and most don't know it. It's the most common nutrient deficiency in the world and is woefully underdiagnosed and often not taken seriously. Discover how to spot the signs of iron deficiency and the best food sources of iron to boost your diet.

Stop Snacking For a Healthier Gut

stop snacking for a healthier gut

Bloated? Constipated? Doing all the right things to heal your gut but you're still struggling with digestive distress?  It might not be WHAT you're eating, but WHEN you're eating that's keeping your gut from healing. Snacking or eating between meals stops the housekeeping function of your small intestine, leaving you vulnerable to chronic gut conditions … Continue reading Stop Snacking For a Healthier Gut