Sarah Luck

Natural Health Care for Busy People

After nearly 20 years experience working with private clients as a naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist, I’m excited to combine the time tested traditions of naturopathic medicine with the convenience of technology by offering virtual natural health care via video consultations using your computer or smart phone.

Becoming a mum was the biggest game changer for me in my work as a naturopath. To say that it was a reality check is a complete understatement. It changed the way I worked with clients – I finally understood why so many of my clients struggled to find the time and inspiration to cook healthy meals, let alone follow complicated treatment plans and remember to take supplements and herbs three times daily.

It also changed the way I structured my appointments. Video calls via smart phones or computers make accessing quality natural health easy and convenient – from anywhere in Australia. Why waste precious time travelling to and from appointments with the additional stress (and expense) of parking, when you can make an appointment in your lunch break or after the kids are asleep at night and not have to worry about leaving your home or office.  Detailed and comprehensive treatment plans emailed or posted to you mean that you don’t have to worry about forgetting any important detail.

What makes me different to other naturopaths and nutritionists?

Experience combined with a practical and no-nonsense approach. I’ve been working with private clients for nearly 20 years and I’ve watched health fads come and go. I’ll help you separate the hype from the healthful.

Paleo, Atkins, Low carb, SCD, GAPS, MINDD, Mediterranean, High fibre, Low fibre, Ketogenic, Zone, Food combining, Fit for Life, High fat, Low fat, Low protein, High protein, Blood type, Alkaline, Sugar free, FODMAPS, Gluten free, Dairy free and many, many more. If you’re confused and stressed about what you should and shouldn’t be eating, you’re not alone.  I’ll help you discover the perfect diet for YOU!

All clients who work with me receive a comprehensive and in depth treatment plan.  This wholistic and detailed health care plan will help to guide you on your journey back to YOUR optimal health. 

Your bespoke and personalised treatment is like a best selling health care book or program written just for you!

Sarah Luck naturopath and herbalist has been helping clients heal and detox their guts for the last 19 years

Are you ready to work with an experienced naturopath?

  • Are you confused about what to eat?
  • What supplements are best for you?
  • Do you need to heal your gut?
  • Detox?
  • Exercise more or less?
  • Worried about your thyroid?
  • Read about MTHFR but don’t know where to start?
  • Struggling to find answers to explain why you’re so tired, achey, stressed out or living with constant brain fog?

I can you help with:

  • Unravelling complex health conditions.
  • Offering in-depth education, support and guidance to help you change your diet and lifestyle.
  • Prioritising key diet and lifestyle changes for faster results, then help you to continue building on these healthy foundations for optimised long term health.
  • Supporting healthy changes with targeted nutritional and herbal medicines.
  • Helping you to understand how your body works, what your test results mean and how your treatment plan will help you move towards better health.


There are so many roads to good health, how do you know which one is best for you?

Books and search engines? Advice from friends and family? Facebook and social media? Blogs?

Imagine being able to ask all the questions you ever wanted to ask about food and diet. 

Are there any foods you should avoid? And how do you find out if you should avoid them in the first place?  What about super foods for YOUR body?  And what about protein, fats and carbs – should you be eating low fat? Low carb? What’s the perfect diet to eat?

What about supplements?  Are you taking loads and you’re not sure what they’re all meant to be helping with? Or you want to make sure you’re not doubling up on anything?  How do you tell if you’re deficient in a vitamin, mineral or essential fatty acid? 

Are you wanting to use natural medicines like herbs and supplements to manage your families health and take care of day to day health niggles like coughs, colds, rashes, tummy problems, cuts and scratches but not sure where to start or what is best for YOUR family? 

Stress gets blamed for everything these days. Do you understand why it’s bad for you and what you can do to minimise it’s effects upon your body and brain?

Blood tests can tell you a lot about your health and wellbeing.  A doctor looks at blood tests to diagnose a disease, I look at blood tests to assess your health and wellbeing. Get a second opinion on your blood test results from a functional health perspective.

What tests will give you the most useful information on what’s happening inside your body and the most important issues that need addressing for a return to health?  Blood tests? Hair testing? Saliva testing?  Urine tests? Stool parasite and microbiome testing? Testing digestive function?

You don’t need to commit to any kind of plan or contract.

You can have the advice of a qualified and experienced natural health practitioner at a time convenient for you via your smart phone or computer – whenever you need it.

Book an appointment from anywhere in Australia

Video calls using your smart phone or computer allow you to bring high quality natural health care into your home or workplace.

Location is no longer a barrier to accessing personalised advice and finding real solutions to your health and wellbeing challenges. Eliminate *finding the time*  as an excuse for not prioritising your health and wellbeing.

Forget the stress of rushing to and from an appointment. Appointments are available at convenient times to suit your work and life schedule.

Are you ready to work with me

If you’re ready to work with an experienced natural health care practitioner from the comfort and convenience of your home or work, get in touch for more information on how to book your initial appointment with me.

I have 19 years of experience working with clients and frequently work in collaboration with integrative doctors and other health professionals such as osteopaths and acupuncturists.

Book a consultation